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A talk on mental health in tech with Adonica Shaw

This event is being postponed until further notice

Adonica will talk about her experiences and journey to emotional and mental health in high-pressure environments. She will also go over the concept of self-care, therapy, and other resources to help people maintain their emotional/ mental health routine. You won’t want to miss this event!

Get your ticket and secure your spot!

About Adnoica Shaw

Adonica is a 3x TEDx speaker, author, and marketing professional with several additional years of experience in business development and strategic partnerships.

She has been a weather woman, a Division I athlete, a contestant on a dating show and she’s even run for office. She’s a pilot in training, she has survived appendicitis, an appendectomy, a divorce, and the loss of her childhood dreams – twice. 

She fancies herself a bit of an “Adversity Expert,” and has a longstanding history of dealing with difficult sh*! in the face of depression and anxiety.

As the author of the book, “Depressed to Daring,” she discusses the secrets to her success, and how she’s been able to beat depression and anxiety despite everything life has thrown her way.

In parallel, she has trains women at prestigious leadership events like the Watermark Conferences, about managing high depression, stress and anxiety in high-stakes careers, and the role of self-care and self love ultimately sustain professional success.

Follow Adonica on Instagram and Facebook.

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